Global Introduction

The portfolio presented here contains various documents produced throughout my undergraduate education, through which I have developed the essential skills needed for the engineering profession. A similarity between all the entries in the portfolio is they all required gathering of information, analyzing the information, producing meaningful conclusions and presenting this process in a coherent manner. This is a process embedded with iterations at many steps, which is required to produce excellent engineering work I wish to do in the future.

This portfolio showcases skills that can be used anywhere whether it be graduate school or in a workplace environment. Throughout the ability to research, make connections between theory and practice, formulate informative papers and think critically is demonstrated. I believe the production of these documents serve as a strong basis to improve on for work I will undertake going forward.

2019-2020 UofT Seismic Design Team

I joined the University of Toronto Seismic Design Team as a Junior Design and Analysis Lead. This role entailed aiding the design and analysis team to come up with a design for a balsa wood tower to compete in the 2020 Seismic Design Competition in San Diego.

Steel and Timber Design Final Project

In my Steel and Timber course, we have carried out a concept design of a mid-rise steel structure and detailed design of some of the steel connections within the building.

Construction Management Project

Throughout the Fall 2018 semester we visted numerous construction site for the Management of Construction course. The final course report contains many of the key observations from our site visits.

Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

Transport 1 Position Paper

This assignment required research to write a position paper, in which I begin with a clearly stated position on if automated vehicles will improve traffic congestion.

Accounting and Finance Report

This report aims to analyze Intel’s financial statements and commentate on their performance in the 2018 fiscal year.

Structural Testing Facility Research

During the summer of 2019 I worked as a Research Assitant in the UofT Structural Testing Labs. Coming Soon...